Strong presentation skills pave the way to success.

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Strong presentation skills – Is it what you are lacking? It is the most common doubt among people stepping into the professional world, and this article will clear all your doubts and queries.

Strong Presentation Skills – How impactful is it?

If you plan to make it to the top, you must have excellent & strong presentation skills. As per a Forbes article survey, 70% say strong presentation skills are critical for career success. Why?

It will not benefit you if you do your work well but do not know how to showcase it. Or if you have a great idea but you cannot communicate it well. Be it an internal presentation to your seniors in the company or giving a sales presentation to a client, if you cannot express your ideas or your achievements to your audience, no one will come to know about them. 

The Result Or Impact Of Strong Presentation Skills

  • If you fail to impact your presentations in front of your seniors, it may hamper your growth in the organization as your senior would not know of your achievements and will not promote you.
  • If your presentation to a client is not proper, you will not be able to sell your product or services to them, which will result in your Company losing revenue.
  • If you present your project idea to a financial institution for funding and cannot project your image well, it will become difficult for you to get some funding.
  • Your truncated presentation skills impact the negotiation of a deal resulting in a loss. No matter which profession you have chosen for yourself, you will have to present in one situation or another, and if you cannot make your presentation impactful, you will end up at a loss. 

So, you must have excellent & strong presentation skills.

Fear in Presentation – Factor Affecting Strong Presentation Skills

It has been observed that most presentations go wrong because of fear. As per an article published in CareerMetis, 20% of employees say they would do almost anything to avoid giving a presentation. Some would go to the extent of pretending to be sick to avoid presenting. At the same time, others will ask a colleague to do it for them. 

strong presentation skills

The statistics say that 3 out of 4 employees fear speaking in front of others. In fact, surprising, this fear is one of the most significant phobias individuals suffer. While 13% of people are scared of spiders and 16% are afraid of death, 19% fear giving a presentation!!

strong presentation skills

While fear is the biggest reason beyond poor presentations, there are other reasons as well. Many individuals do not know how to plan, prepare, and give a good presentation. They are not aware of tools that can make their presentations robust, powerful & valuable. They don’t see the technique involved in making their presentations more engaging for the audience. Hence their expressions are not sufficient. 

But once they can develop this skill by learning the tools and techniques, they can better themselves with every presentation they deliver. It is the reason, as per the statistics in the Careermetis article, 75% of those employed Americans who give presentations say they would like to be better at presenting.

Benefits of Good Presentation Skills

The benefits of giving a solid presentation are as follows.

  • You get noticed by your seniors as you stand out of the crowd.
  • An idea presented well has a better chance of succeeding in getting buy-ins from the audience.
  • You become the go-to employee whenever your organization needs someone to make an impactful presentation.
  • Being able to present well to others is one of the qualities to develop for becoming a leader. Your impactful presentation skills will lead you to become a successful leader.

So, hone up your strong presentation skills and make the world yours to succeed by making yourself stand out with your impactful presentation.

Do you lack behind due to poor presentation skills? Good News!!!

We can help you to master strong presentation skills.

How we do it?

A course that will help you prepare better, overcome nervousness, and become an excellent communicator. We will help you horn your presentation skills and make your presentations strong & impactful.

The course contains 100% video training, and each lesson talks about just this. You will get a certificate on completion of the course.

So, a quick tour into some of the points we will cover:

  • Planning and preparing for your presentation, what methods to use, and what points to consider.
  • Overcoming nervousness and improve your verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
  • Making your presentation more engaging.
  • Learning what tools to use to make your presentation effective
  • Responding to questions.

Want to be even better?

Become a “Self Managed Professional” in just one year by completing the entire training course of 24 training modules.

Are you excited to get more details about the course, Meet Us here.

If you want to know more about us and our Indo-Canadian trainer, Click Here.

This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. Kiranpreet Kaur

    Presentation is about your confident and some tricks. And this course offers that tricks and techniques.

  2. Harshit

    nice and detailed info. btw👍

  3. Hazoor Singh

    Great Article!! Having good presentation skills make you stand unique in crowd and is helpful in many ways. If you have good understanding of presentation skills you can share your knowledge and ideas clearly and effectively to people.

  4. Navroop Kaur

    Thankyou for sharing this. This blog is very informative. I agree that we really need presentation skills either as a student or as an employee. moreover, if you have strong presentation skills you can convince your audience in a much better way, especially introvert people.

  5. Kunwar puneet

    Quite informative! Presentation skills are must in career! Glad to know about the course, ticks all checkers!

    1. Kaur Raman

      thanks for sharing… very informative article. Nowadays, it is essential to learn soft skills along with technical/hard skills

  6. Bharat

    This post is very beneficial for today’s market to both student and employees. As many companies have good products and services but they don’t know how to convince audience. This post really helps us in understanding how presentation skills are important for our day to day life.

  7. Deep

    This blog is helpful in means to overcome our fears in presenting ideas in front of others and provide various methods to speak fluent without any hesitation.

  8. Manpreet Singh

    The way you explained the methods to mitigate the hesitation and boost up the personality with lots of motivation helps me a lot to get an idea that how the ideal life can be achieved.

  9. Megha

    This blog is really good and helpful for learning about presentation skills

  10. Jk

    Great and informative course. Will help achieve higher goals.

  11. Sakshi

    The points raise in above article are true facts, Really I face that problems many times. Because of nervousness or lack of skills how to represent myself in front of someone. I lose many opportunities in my hands. I will work on my soft skills and create new opportunities for me. Truly Appreciatable info and work👍👍

  12. Sane Urmees

    This is a very useful blog for someone who has a fear of speaking in front of a crowd. I totally agree with the fact that if an idea can not be communicated properly, no-one will know about it. It is equally important to improve existing presentation skills to emerge as a better leader.

  13. Supreet Kaur

    This article is all about good presentation skills because if you have strong presentation skills then can impress your seniors. Most of the people feel nervous and they do not know how to present their ideas . So, this will help to enhance their presentation skills.

  14. Abhi

    Very informative post. I was searching how to have a strong presentation skills on google and I got landed to your website. This post covers all the information that I was looking for. I’m following this page.

  15. Arpita

    Well it is correctly said, “It will not do you right if you do your work well but do not know how to showcase it. Or if you have a great idea but you cannot communicate it well.“ this strongly proves that having a great presentation skills will surely be an asset to one’s profile and will help in personal and professional development. This article surely guides you the way out through this presentation and communication problem.

  16. Jasdeep Kaur

    Thank you for sharing this important information. Presentation skills comes in handy to develop the personality of an individual. They helps in sharpening the skills to speak confidently in front of the public and expressing our ideas clearly.

  17. Alekya

    Very informative. This article is a go to for all the first time presenters. Having good presentational skills also helps in building self confidence. I could relate to many points of this blog.

  18. Harika

    I loved the detailing of this article, Informative. Presentational skills these days play a vital role in IT industry and it is a part of day to day activity. Thanks to this Blog.

  19. Shikha Mahajan

    Thats a really good article for shaping the presentation skills. It is very important to have good presenting skills in this virtual world. “ Being able to present well to others is one of the qualities to develop for becoming a leader. Your impactful presentation skills will lead you to become a successful leader.” That is very true because it is very important to present yourself if your are leading any organization or team.

  20. Jisha

    Very helpful article. Helps beginners to get motivated with presentations. I could absorb all the ways and skills on how should a good presentation should be.

  21. Estha Thomas

    Thanks for sharing this informative post. It helped me to understand how important is to develop my presentation skills for career growth. ! I hope this course will provide me with the tips and techniques for developing strong communication and presentation skills.

  22. Harpreet Kaur

    Presentation skills are really very important to succeed in life as a person can also show his/her confidence with strong presentation skills. As it is written that 20% of the people would say they can do anything to avoid giving the presentation and sometimes I also feel the same. But, I am also trying to improve my presentation skills.

  23. Gurpreet kaur

    Very informative article. Presentation skills assist in boosting self confidence and make u stand infront of your audience like a leader. This article explain presentation skills very effectively and can surely guide a person who lacks this skil.

  24. Manpreet Kaur

    Thank you for sharing this article with us. Presentation are very crucial for students, professionals in order to suceed in the global market. After reading this blog, I find numerous benefits of presentation skills that I did not know earlier.

  25. Manpreet kaur

    Presentation skills are very crucial for students and professionals to succeed in the global market. When i was in college, i did not know about its benefits but know after reading this blog i know so much. Thank you for sharing this blog with us.

  26. Vidhu Sharma

    This is very informative post and I could relate to it. Presentation skills are crucial in every sphere of life. The facts and figures highlighted in this post convinced me to improve on my presentation skills. Thank you for the awesome post.

  27. Ravinder Singh

    Great article on presentation skills. These skills are must to become successful. Presentation skills are essential to grow further.
    Thanks for sharing this article.

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