Professional Life or Personal Life: Why not both?

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Let’s move towards a perfect Work-Life balance.

Are you happy with your life? Would you say that you can maintain a perfect Work-Life balance and keep everyone happy in your personal and professional life?

Perhaps not!

Work takes a more significant share of our life:

In today’s dynamic world where the work culture trends are “Always On,” you might often find yourself struggling to maintain separate work and personal life.

While in rare cases, you may find someone whose personal life is taking up more time than his/her professional life, the opposite is most often true. It is our professional life that makes a more significant claim on us.

According to a Harvard Business School survey94% of service professionals put in 50+ hours a week at work. Working such long hours causes several problems such as disturbed sleeping habits, feeling stressed and depressed, health issues, suffering from personal life problems, communication, collaboration, and getting things done.

But do people need to work long hours? Is it because more work is assigned to them, which does not allow them to utilize their time properly?

What Things Could Be Wrong?

To understand what is going wrong, let us look into RescueTime‘s study on their users’ working hours in 2019. The key takeaway of the course is as follows: 

  • Workers average just 2 hours and 48 minutes of productive device time a day.
  • People spend 21% of their working hours on entertainment, news, and social media.
  • 28% of workers start their day before 8:30 am (and 5% begin before 7 am).
  • 40% of people use their computers after 10 pm.
  • 26% of work is done outside of regular working hours.
  • Workers average at least 1 hour of work outside of working hours on 89 days/year (and on ~50% of all weekend days).
  • We check email and IM, on average, every 6 minutes.
  • 40.1% of our day is spent multitasking with communication tools.
  • The most distracted days of 2018 were Nov. 26 and July 7 (the Mondays after Thanksgiving and the 4th of July)

An Average Day Of An Individual

Drawing some inference from the above, let us look at how an individual spends an average day.

According to the above study data, people start using their digital devices from 9:30 am on average. 28% of people start working before 8:30 am, while 5% start their day before 7 am.

During work, as per this study, people check their emails every 6 minutes. And 35.5% check emails every 3 minutes.

They use just over 5 hours a day on their computer alone. They multitask for 40.1% of the day – juggling between almost 56 different apps and websites nearly 300 times a day.

Thus, 40% of people never get more than 30 minutes on a workday.

Then 21% of their time is further taken up by entertainment, news, and social media. The breakup is as follows:

average day of a professional

So, when the day ends, they find that half of their work remains undone. Result? While 74% of work is done, 26% remains. To complete them, employees either work late or carry work home. Out of the 26% of work done outside regular work hours, 71% happens before or after work, and 29% occurs during weekends.

So, it is no wonder that 40% of people continue to use their computers after 10 pm.

It Would Help If You Had A Personal Life Too

Is it a surprise that the personal lives of these people are non-existent? Will it be a surprise if they are unable to maintain Work-Life balance and suffer consequences?

So, if you think that you do not want this to be what your life would be like, if you feel you want a healthy, happy, and stress-less life, you have to learn to maintain a proper work-life balance. 

Take a look at your life to analyze where you are going wrong and hone your skill to improve this balance. 

Remember, we have one life – And it is your choice how you spend it.

Have you ever thought about what the true meaning of Success is?

Success = Success At Work + Happy Personal Life + Healthy Body

And that is what we are talking about when we say work-life balance.

The course contains 100% video training, and each lesson talks about just this.

And the best part is, you can learn all these at your own pace, your own time, your device (be it a laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile) and your place — be it at the comfort of your home or sitting in a cybercafe or even in a car.

Moreover, you get Lifetime access to this course which means you can watch it several times. Watching it from time to time will serve as a refresher.

Let’s Look Into Some Of The Things We Will Cover In Our Course

  1. How a healthy balance in life can benefit you.
  2. To look for the sign of imbalance.
  3. How to create a work-life balance.
  4. Importance of personal life

Want To Be Even Better?

Become a Self Managed Professional in just one year by completing the entire training course of 24 training modules.

Are you excited to start? Then Meet Us here and get more details about the course.

If you want to know more about our Indo-Canadian trainer and us, Click Here.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Hazoor Singh

    Work life balance is essential to maintain a difference between your professional and personal life. Bad Work life balance management leads to serious problems and also affect your health as well. Very good article on how to manage this.

  2. Vidhu Sharma

    Everyone seeks a balance between professional and personal life. But very less people know how to do that. A perfect balance can make a person happy and successful in professional as well as personal life.
    Thank you for sharing the blog.

  3. Bharat

    Nowadays making your personal and professional life balance is so difficult. This article helps a lot for maintaining your life balance. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Alekya

    Professional and personal life balance is very important to live a peaceful life. This is something which is missing in these busy lives. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Manpreet singh Plaha

    Managing the personal life and professional life benefits the individual to accomplish their life goals without any obstacle. This is also very crucial to make life disciplined.

  6. Harpreet Kaur

    Professional and personal life should be given equal time to have a happy and healthy life. Informative topic

  7. Jisha

    Having a balance in work and personal life is really important. Very informative article.

  8. Sakshi

    Creating balance in personal and professional life is difficult. Many times it make feel depressed and down. If want to enjoy every single moment of life so create balance in professional and personal life is must.

  9. Sane

    A proper balance between personal and professional life is a must. Nothing should be more or less. Enjoy each and every moment.

  10. Estha Thomas

    Informative post!! Work life balance is crucial for leading a happy life. We can say ourselves as successful only if we are successful in both personal and professional work.

  11. Harika Konduru

    It is important to maintain balance in personal and professional life for a Peaceful and happy life. Thanks for sharing this.

  12. Supreet kaur

    It is very crucial to create a proper balance between personal and professional life .This article helps people to run their personal and professional life smoothly. Thanks for sharing this information.

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