Survey on generation gap – CEO

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generation gap

Are you struggling to explain your perspective in front of elders either at home or office? Are you feeling more comfortable talking with people of your age? It could be due to your age gap, which is known as the “GENERATION GAP.”

Firstly, let us understand what is meant by the generation gap?

People belong to almost four different generations- babies, young, adults, and old age. The difference in values and perspectives from one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents, is a generation gap. These differences stem from older and younger people because of their differences in experiences, mindsets, habits, and behaviour. The generation gap is possible at work and home.

Want To Know What Causes The Generation Gap?

To understand the basic concept of this gap, we have to land deep into the causes that lead to these generation gaps:

  • Lack of understanding.
  • The people in past decades believe in hard work, while new folks focus on smart work due to technology sophistication.
  • Modern generation is quite comfortable with gadgets like laptops, phones and tablets, while old age is still struggling.
  • Differences in viewpoints.
  • Unique expectations.

What Could Be The Solutions To Deal With Generation Gap?

Every problem has a solution, and some strategies can help us deal with this situation. All we have to do is to implement them:

  1. First and foremost, that age is not equal to seniority. Seniority comes with position, experience and expertise.
  2. Develop mutual respect and be aware of the experience and abilities that everybody brings to the table. Try not to let your assumptions of different ages delude you.
  3. Understand the perspective, listen to one another actively, find out what they want to accomplish, discuss ways to assist them, and address their criticisms.
  4. Learn from each generation. Enable older employees to share an institutional experience that might be lost if experienced employees retire or leave the workplace.
  5. Constructively resolve disagreements.

Need for this survey:

You might raise the question of why there is this survey or how it is related. This survey is a medium through which you can assess your skills, and it will let you know how capable you are of tackling the problem of the generation gap. Furthermore, this survey will also provide insights into the strategies used to deal with people of different generations. After this survey, you will be confident to interact with people who possess differences in perspectives. Want to discover more about you and to enhance your skill? Join our courses and click on the following link Survey On Generation Gap- For CEOs to complete the survey.

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