The Essence Of Empathy

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Do You Know What Empathy Is?

You have empathy when you understand another person’s feelings, thoughts, or emotions by projecting your personality into his place. For example, feeling the same amount of happiness and excitement as a friend when they tell you they got a job.

To fell, Empathy does not mean you should help someone in need; it’s often a necessary step towards understanding others. Sometimes people only need someone to understand them, understand their pain and listen to their problem. An empathetic person is always a good listener.

Empathy is further divided into three types:

  1. Cognitive Empathy: It is defined as Empathy by thoughts, i.e., Imagining how it feels to be in someone’s shoes rather than feeling his pain in actuality.
  2. Emotional Empathy: Emotional Empathy is when you truly understand someone’s emotions and feelings.
  3. Compassionate Empathy: To understanding someone’s feelings and emotions and taking actions to help them.

Learn How To Practice Empathy In Your Daily Life

Being empathetic is not a born-up quality. So, you can practice Empathy in daily life. Thus, practicing empathy helps in many ways.

  • Stay connected. Always stay connected with your loved ones. It will help you to know what’s going on in their life. So, to be there for them whenever they need you.
  • Be kind to everyone you meet. Do not criticize anyone for doing something wrong. Everyone is helpless at some point in their life.
  • Get ready to help without any expectation. For example, if you have food on your table in a time of crisis like COVID-19, try to understand and help others starving for food.
  • Talk with new people in your daily routine. Sometimes by talking with strangers and sharing your problem with them, you can feel relaxed. It is because as they do not know you and do not judge you.
  • Follow people from different cultures and traditions on social sites. It will help you to learn more about their culture. So, you can quickly figure out the situation of people from different backgrounds.

Here Are Some Traits Of Having Empathy

  • An empathetic person is a compassionate person; therefore, they get hurt easily.
  • Empaths look for other people’s emotions. So, they do not want to hurt others.
  • Sometimes, they take on anger and anxiety to maintain peace and love around them.

anger and empathy

  • Mainly empathetic persons are introverts. Hence, they tend to spend less time in-crowd. They prefer one on one talk or small groups.
  • They trust their gut feelings and go with their intuition. Most of the time, this protects them from getting into wrong relations.
  • An empathetic person has big hearts and tries to relieve the pain of others. So, they are not aware of their limits where they should stop. So, most of the time, they end up hurting themselves while helping others.

Are You An Empathetic Person Or A Sympathetic Person?

Empathy is feeling someone’s sorrow, pain, and happiness by putting yourself in their place or placing yourself in their shoes.  Sympathy is not just feeling bad for someone. It is generally used to describe sorrow and pettiness for someone going through misfortune.

You Cannot Feel Empathy Without Sympathy

Sympathy is to restrict feelings. On the other hand, being empathetic means trying to help others by understanding their journey. You cannot feel empathy for someone without feeling sympathetic to them. When you can feel others’ pain only, can you get up with a solution to help them out? No one wants sympathy; it makes them feel miserable by increasing their suffering. However, being empathetic to someone works better. It will help find a solution to someone’s problem.

How Can You Communicate Better By Being Empathetic To Someone?

When you try to adjust yourself in others’ shoes, you get a chance to know about their struggle, journey, and situation. As you understand others, people share their true selves with you as they feel comfortable with you. Whenever you are going to make a decision, ask for others’ viewpoints and deridingly. It will make your communication better. People feel their presence matter to you. And they fell demanded.

To learn more about emotional intelligence and Empathy, Meet Us here and get the details of the course.

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