Are you paying attention to your customer complaints? Solve customer complaints and make them your advocates.

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Are you upset that your customers are complaining? 

Don’t be. As of right now, only 1% of customers feel that their excellent service expectations are always met. The rest, 99% of customers, have a complaint. 

Having a customer complaint is not bad. It is an opportunity for you to resolve them and make your customers happy. It is also an opportunity for you to improve your services. But if you neglect the complaints or cannot handle them properly, it can cause your customers to leave you. 

Why Customers Feel Dissatisfied with Service?

Let us have a look into some of the reasons why customers feel dissatisfied with the service. As per Salesforce:

  • 52% of users are extremely or somewhat likely to swap brands if they don’t make an effort to personalize their communications.
  • 66% of consumers say they’re extremely or somewhat likely to switch brands if they feel like a number rather than a person.
  • 35% of the survey respondents experienced low response times.
  • 30% told the employee they contacted was poorly trained.
  • 31% supposed the employee they spoke to wasn’t empowered to help.

As per SDL 2015 The Global CX Wakeup Call Report29% of customers received the wrong or conflicting information when talked to customer service representatives. Aspect, 61% of customers have not easily switched from one channel to another when interacting with customer service.

As per Forrester45% of US consumers will abandon an online transaction if their questions or concerns are not addressed quickly.

These are some reasons why customers become upset with the service they receive. So, if you can address these issues, you can make your customers satisfied. 

But it should not be a one-time thing. Your service to the customers must be consistent. As per Dynamologic87% of customers think brands need to put more effort into providing a consistent service. 

Dissatisfied customer complaint

The Silent Customers

It is not every customer who complains. Some customers would remain dissatisfied and still not say anything. As per Lee Resources International, for every customer who complains, 26 customers don’t say anything. For these customers, you need to find out whether they are satisfied or not. You can do satisfaction surveys or call them one to one to find out their satisfaction level. But just because they are silent, do not neglect them.

The Era of Social Media

In the era of technological advancement, it has become effortless for customers to switch between brands. 70% of consumers say technology comes in handy to take their business elsewhere. Online presence has also become a means of complaints. And this is an important area to look into. As per Gartner, failure to respond to customer complaints and questions on social media can lead to a 15% increase in churn.

Providing good customer service can be very beneficial for every organization. As per Temkin Group, a moderate increase in Customer Experience can generate an average revenue increase of $823 million over three years for a company with $1 billion in annual revenues.

Suppose you are not able to provide delightful customer service to your customers. In that case, you should enhance your customer service skills by learning various techniques and ways to serve your customer.

Remember, you only exist if your customer does. Delight them with your service, make them stay with you, and propel your business success. And you can learn all these skills and techniques through our courses designed by innovative and genius authors.

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This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Kiranpreet Kaur

    Satisfaction of customers is a crucial factor of success. Now question is how to find out whether they are satisfied or not? Answer is surveys. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Manpreet singh Plaha

    Mistakes are always piller of success but if you pay attention to them and respond positively to them. The silent customers never respond on the mistakes which may lead to unresponsiveness towards the mistakes. The statistical data also show the attention towards the complaints of customers

  3. Hazoor Singh

    Loyal customers are great assets and having them is a great lead in business as they provide an assurance by preferring to make purchase from you than any one else. Providing satisfactory service results in gaining more loyal customers and feedbacks and complaints brings you to know about customer demands about the service you offer and are crucial.

  4. Bharat

    Customer is the king of the market. Satisfying your customers is one of main element of the market. Solving complaints of customer is main step for achieving your goals.

  5. Vidhu Sharma

    Customer satisfaction is key to a successful business. If customer is happy it means the company is on the right track and making progress.

    Thank you for the blog

  6. Harpreet Kaur

    Customer satisfaction is priority because if we would be doing any job or business if our customers are happy

  7. Estha Thomas

    Customer satisfaction is crucial for the success of any business or enterprise. It is therefore important to address customer concerns and issues in a timely and professional manner.Relevant post!

  8. Arpita

    Very much applicable blog for any company as customer satisfaction ratio will define the company’s asset and how it works in making their customers happy with their product and after services, as more pleased the customers are the more growth it is for the company in the market.

  9. Sane

    Dealing with customer complaints and finding out the root cause is one of the best ways to handle it. Customer satisfaction is a must for any business. Very useful blog!

  10. Jisha

    Customers are very important for a company. Success rate of the company increases with loyal customers. I understood how important is to listen to customers and keep them happy.

  11. Alekya

    Customer complaints and inputs are the key points for company growth. Perfectly explained to the point.

  12. Harika Konduru

    No matter how big a company is, it should always consider customer complaints. This blog explains how important it is to note customer complaints.

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